
Monday, May 24, 2010

Mr. Potato Head: The best toy of my childhood.

When I was 4 years I saw a movie that change the way to see my toys, you may imagine of what movie I’m talking, yes it’s “Toy Story”; I was so exiting for me to see toys talking¡, but I wasn’t fan from the lead characters, I was, well I'm still be fan from Mr. Potato head.

The reason for me to like this toy is because in the movie he has a very funny sense of humor, also because the idea to put the body parts at different order for me at that age was funny.
I remember that I have a lot of games of Mr. Potato head, I specially remember one that consisted in put together the Mr. Potato head by spinning a clock that had several parts of him, and the one who had the character finished by the time the clock ringed was the winner.

I know that my whole anecdote about these toy sounds stupid, but I can assure you that in on time of your life you play with these magnificent toy. And don’t forget the movie premiere of “Toy Story 3” in June 18th, and also that you were a kid, so don’t laugh of my favorite toy because I can assure you that you also like Mr. Potato head .He’s so hot :P.
Other favorite toys:
  1. Puzzles
  2. Cars(not the ones of the movie, the normal).
  3. Bugs Bunny
  4. Woddy
  5. A Mike Wasausky that usded to talked(Now is whithout a voice).

Monday, May 17, 2010

How small is the wolrd :O

In this weekend I went out with my friends, thing that I don't usually do because somethimes I'm bussy, but whatever; we went out to the coffee "Punta del cielo", there I had a coffee with my friends of the middle school. The thing that made my weekend memorable was a boy who came with us selling a bracelet of "México", there he said that was for helping his fathers and I bought one, the guy start talking to us from the nowhere, what ever the point is that this kid came out to the school, and i start thinking myself how small is the world isn't it?.

What ever at the end we have a good time because we remebered the good times we spent in the middle school. And well that's all.

Monday, May 3, 2010

My first social interaction.

We have seen that the way we communicate has changed, as well the way we spend our time as kids. We use the computers, the videogames, the TV, etc. to have more fun and also for a better “social interaction”; but the real thing is that that’s not a social interaction, I can say that because I’m like that. I’m that kind of person who thinks that be on the internet is better that been outside playing with other kids, and also I’m the kind of guy who prefers to watch a movie or read a boom instead of going out with my friends. I can say to you that this is not the better way to interact with others.
Many people say to me that I’m a person without social life, also they say to my that I’m a scrooge person because I don’t like to do anything that the other ones do.
Now I’m not such an addict as I used to be, first because now I have more friends than in other stages of my life. Now I have a best friends well is jut not one I have three and I fell happy for that, I also read more books that I used to do and i like it.

Now for my friends i have a lot of experience with them, I remeber one time that we came out from the cinema we went to watch "Slumdog millionaire" and I was dancing in the street the theme of the movie, and all the people were looking a me, but i don't care about that, I enjoy the time. Also I remeber like one month ago i went to my friend's house and I was so tired that i felt sleep on the sofa and I hit on the floor because I put my self in a bad position :s. Well these may not be funny but as you know you have to be on the place and you will enjoy it, it not so good that someone tell you a story, is better to live it by yourself. :) Have a nice week.

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