
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bilingualism an exercise for the brain

The investigation that these people do about be bilingual is very impressive; is so interesting how speaking other language can bring us bunches of benefits in a near future.

In my opinion been bilingual (not that I’m a complete one) is another activity for the brain, and this is healthful because the brain needs to be in a constant activity for a better development and a logical thinking; if we don’t put our brain to work it will be more trouble to learn things and we will be more weak to have memory problems.

By the other hand I said also that not been a bilingual personas has also its advantages, that’s true but in that case we need to put our brain to work in other ways, not just conformed it to have several work, it needs to be active as I had said.

This will sound like a commercial but is true, be bilingual, trilingual, etc… is a necessity, not just for works is also important for avoid our brain to have problems in near future. The evidence of the old person speaking two languages is a big example of how been bilingual can help someone, first because he is customary to learn, second because he has a big ability for speaking (Because he said that he has a solid pronunciation).

As I said and also the article has, a brain in a constant activity is a great method to avoid memory illness, by memory illness I mean a kind of distraction or amnesia.

The way they proved these is interesting, not that I’m saying these because I want to put the same as the article, I mean that is interesting because in a test language you can prove how these persons are in their vocabulary and also in the respond that they have at the time of speaking; I like these because I have proof as a Spanish talker that many people doesn’t have a knowledge for some words, and those people have that kind of respond because they are lazy people, people who doesn’t like to think or even read, because reading is also a great method to have our brain in an active way and to a better respond.

Is your decision who you want to be, maybe I’m not the perfect bilingual or even the best person with a great developing brain, but I can assure you that I feel happy, because even that I’m not the best in speaking English, I know that I’m doing my effort; this sound like this speech goes to my father but is true I feel like this and nobody can say to me that they don’t feel like these, because I know that yes; and changing the topic I can tell you that I’m a person who like to have his brain active, because I like to read and also to do some logistic games; the bad part is that I’m not the person who likes to do exercising; I take this point because doing exercise is also another way to have a healthy brain and body; not just the mental activity helps, also the physical. So is for you to decide, you want to have a healthy live or just conformed to live without thinking and having other complications in a near future? I leave you thinking with these, because I’m not you doctor, I’m not your father, I’m just a person who is giving you a way to have a healthy brain and development, and the proofs are in that article, so you decide.

1 comment:

  1. Ralf I show you the outline tomorrow,I have it, but I don't know if it's ok
